So I finished the book this morning while I was at the gym. To respond to Celeste's comment, I thought it was okay. I thought it was really interesting to read about life in Iran before and after the Revolution... What I didn't like as much were the references to books she taught in class, mainly because I haven't read those books. I think I may read Lolita and The Great Gatsby, and then I might try to reread it. In the back, there is a suggested reading list, along with discussion questions. I found them to be somewhat helpful, but I think the book would have been much more enjoyable if I had been more familiar with the characters and stories in those other two books...
I'm not sure what I'm going to read next... I just picked up Don Cheadle and John Predergast's Not on Our Watch: The Mission to End Genocide in Darfur and Beyond. I think I'll read that and then move on to something a little lighter and summery.