I'm back with a vengeance! I read Adriana Trigiani's The Queen of the Big Time from cover to cover today (and it's only 3 pm). It was sooo good (but be forewarned, the story is a tear jerker, at least it was for me!), but sadly, it is the last Adriana Trigiani book. I'm not sure what I'll read next. It's always so hard for me to find something to follow up Trigiani's books because I like them so much... I do have the following books from the library:
1) The Red Scarf by Kate Furnivall
2) Giving by Bill Clinton
3) Stolen Lives by Malika Oufkir
I'm going to take a little snack break now and then figure out what I'll read next... Will update soon!
Ohhh and I almost forgot to mention my big news - I'm going back to school! I'm going to the University of Illinois at Chicago for a certificate in Nonprofit Management. I'll have to dig out a few of my grad school nonprofit books and read through them before classes start in September. More on that to come too...
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