Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Catching Up

Our internet is down again, and I can't access Blogger from the library anymore, so I haven't been able to post in a little while. Fortunately, our neighbor offered her computer, so I am taking this time to get caught up...

The Book Thief (#18) - It took me a few chapters to get used to the idea of "Death" narrating a story about the Holocaust, but once I did, I could hardly put the book down. I read through the 500+ pages in just a few days.

After The Book Thief, I read Babylon's Ark (#19) by Lawrence Anthony. It was about the wartime rescue of the Baghdad Zoo, and I found it really interesting. I was actually a little disappointed in myself at the end... After Katrina, the first thing I did was make a donation to the Humane Society to help rescue animals, and I even offered to foster or adopt some of the animals displaced by the storm... And when my husband was deployed to Iraq, he had a pet cat that I sent food, toys, and treats to, but... I didn't think of the animals in Iraq during the invasion. These animals were in the middle of Baghdad, trapped in their cages, kidnapped by looters to sell on the black market, and without water and food for weeks. Anthony did a really good job telling their story and his story about his role in helping get the zoo back open.

Now I am reading Full of Grace (#20) by Johnnette S. Benkovic. It is about women's spirituality, and I thought it was a good choice to kick off the Advent season that started on Sunday and lasts through Christmas.

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