Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Nothing new to post about reading, but I did have a wonderful time in San Antonio and am now in Nashville visiting family and friends. Will try to incorporate some reading time each night before bed. Just because I'm not at home doesn't give me an excuse to be a slacker, or does it?!?

Thursday, February 21, 2008


There were some good movies on the plane yesterday, and I didn't get nearly as much reading done as I had anticipated. Okay, I'll confess... I only read the first chapter of Atonement. The good news is that I made it to San Antonio, and so far, everything is going well. Meetings and all that fun stuff start tonight.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Chugging Along

For some reason, it took me forever to finish The Camel Bookmobile (#26). I don't think there was any particular cause. The story was good, although I am not a big fan of writing each chapter as told by a different main character. Maybe that was why I could never get into The Poisionwood Bible? I tried to read it twice and could never get past the first couple of chapters. Either way, The Camelbookmobile was a good book. I enjoy reading about Africa and hope to visit one day, and I work in the nonprofit sector, so that makes the book all the move relevant. It might have taken me a while, but it was worth it. I thoroughly enjoyed the book.

I leave on a 2+ week trip on Wednesday, and I will be spending plenty of time on planes and in airports, so I've picked out three (lightweight so they don't take up too much room in my suitcase) books to take with me:

#27 Atonement (Ian McEwan)
#28 Eat, Pray, Love (Elizabeth Gilbert)
#29 A New Earth (Eckhart Tolle)

I'm challenging myself to finish all three books by the time I return home on 3 March. Will update then!


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Free money book!

Oprah.com is offering free download of Suze Orman's book in a PDF doc. The offer is only open until Thursday, 14 February 2008, evening, so check it out now. Click HERE!

Monday, February 4, 2008

A New Earth

Are You Ready to Be Awakened? I am. Count me in... I just ordered my copy from Amazon, so hopefully it will arrive in time for the first class on March 3.

For the first time ever, you can join Oprah and Eckhart Tolle, the best-selling author of The Power of Now, as they teach A New Earth in Oprah's worldwide classroom live Monday nights on Oprah.com.

By reserving your seat for this 10-week interactive webinar, you'll be able to:
Watch and participate in the live classroom webcasts
Ask Oprah and Eckhart Tolle questions before and during class
Connect with others who are seeking to become more aware of themselves—and the world around them.

Download and save your thoughts in an exclusive workbook
Access the classroom video archives…and more!
How to Reserve Your Seat:
You’ll need to be a member of Oprah.com and Oprah’s Book Club.

If you're not already a member of Oprah.com, you'll need to join now. During the registration process, you'll have the opportunity to become a part of Oprah's Book Club.


Saturday, February 2, 2008

Re: Book #23

Beah, who wrote about his time as a boy soldier, is having his story questioned. Beah defends his memories saying he wrote the book to the best of his recollection. He was only twelve years old when he became a soldier in Sierra Leone, Africa. Read about this HERE. Whatever happens with this, I think Beah was telling a story that needed to be told and drawing attention to a cause that should be at the center of the world's stage. How much longer can we pretend that the African continent is not enveloped in turmoil and despair?