Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I just finished Sophie Kinsella's Can You Keep a Secret? I read the entire book last night, and it was really cute! It's my first Kinsella book, and I think her writing is light and fun. I felt like Emma was my best friend, and I was going through everything with her: the boys, the clothes and shoes, the dates... While I did enjoy the book and look forward to reading more from Kinsella, I do think it is time for something a little heavier. My next book (#38) will be Catholic Customs & Traditions, a Popular Guide, by Greg Dues and (#39) We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will be Killed With Our Families: Stories from Rwanda, by Philip Gourevitch. I leave for a trip on Sunday, so hopefully I'll finish the first one by then and the second on the plane/in airports. I'm not sure what else I'll bring on my trip, but I'll update before I go!

P.S. Thanks to CJ for sending me the book! It was just what I needed after my Conference and before my trip - some good girl time!

1 comment:

Celeste J. said...

I'm so glad you enjoyed it :)