Monday, August 4, 2008


#55 The Story of a Marriage, by Andrew Sean Greer, was not what I was expecting. I found it through a recommendation in O Magazine, and I thought it would be a light, summer read. It was the opposite, but still a good and unique story. I have not read anything like it before, as it introduced me to life in the 1950s told by an African American woman married to a soldier. It definitely changed my "Stepford Wives" image of the era. For me, this book was a page turner. I found the story fascinating and unpredictable.

#56 James Patterson's Sundays at Tiffany's was an easy read for me. I read the entire book in an afternoon sitting on the deck of our cruise ship sailing from Greece to Croatia. Again, I found this another unique story about a girl and her imaginary friend. I was not sure what to make of this book while I was reading, but by the end, I was in tears and completely attached to the characters. I think I will read more James Patterson. I was looking at the list of all of the books he has written (I think we have Kiss the Girls somewhere in our stacks of books), and I am impressed by his range and depth. I want to try out something different by him.

#57 For One More Day, by Mitch Albom, was an okay book. I might have read this before, but I'm not sure... The story itself was probably good, but just not my style. I remember reading Tuesdays with Morrie in college and not being crazy about it either. Guess I'm just not a big Mitch Albom fan.

Next Up: Something fun!!! I'm reading Beth Harbison's Secrets of a Shoe Addict.

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